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DTB Series Temperature Controller is an advanced controller as it is having dual output control and it is able to execute the heating and cooling control cycle simultaneously in a temperature control system to reach the target temperature. Optional CT & Event Input functions are available in this series. Models are available in different sizes 48X24, 48X48, 48X96, & 96X96.

● 100 to 240VAC 50/60Hz

● PID / On-Off / manual mode / programmable control modes (Ramp/Soak)

● 2 groups of outputs to auto-tuning 2 groups of PID parameters

● Able to connect to various thermocouples (B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, TXK), platinum RTD (PT100, JPT100), analog current (0 ~ 20mA, 4 ~ 20mA) and linear voltage (0 ~ 5V, 0 ~ 10V & O~50mV)

● Maximum 3 groups of alarm outputs are available, with 18 alarm modes each

● Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature display

● 2 key lock functions (1. lock all keys; 2. lock only function keys, up/down keys are still workable)

● Panel sizes: 4824, 4848, 4896, 9696

● Built-in RS-485 communication interface (Modbus ASCII, RTU, baud rate: 2,400 ~ 38,400)

● Sampling time of thermocouple/platinum RTD: 0.4 second/time; sampling time of analog input: 0.15 second/time

● Programmable logic controller is able to set up 64 sets of temperature and control time.

● Optional CT (wire breaking detection) function, an alarm output

● Optional Event function, using PLC or switches to switch between 2 different set temperatures.

● Optional Valve function, adjusting the open/close of the valve by the output value.


48 x 24mm
48 x 48mm
48 x 96mm
96 x 96mm




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Lubi Electronics